Have you ever considered developing a working real estate partnership with anyone? Working in tandem with a real estate business partner can be ve ...read this post
Absentee owner leads hare highly sought-after in the real estate investor community. Not only are vacant homes synonymous with a particularly attra ...read this post
Investing in condos and townhomes can result in a lucrative exit strategy for those that know what they are doing. If for nothing else, investing in c ...read this post
Buy and hold real estate strategies have proven — time and time again — that they belong in every investor’s portfolio, not excluding the averag ...read this post
For better or for worse, the phrase multifamily investing has been associated with a certain degree of stigma. Far too many investors are intimidated ...read this post
Making the commitment to become a real estate investor is not something that should be taken lightly, nor will it happen over night; it will require m ...read this post
Coming up with the perfect real estate offer, while not impossible, is a lot more complicated than many new investors anticipate. At the very least, l ...read this post
If property investment trends tell us anything, 2016 is going to be a great your for real estate investors. I can say with confidence that 2015 was th ...read this post