Than's Blog

How To Start An Unstoppable House Flipping Company

Starting your own house flipping company is nothing less than a huge undertaking; not only because it’s going to require a significant amount of hard work and determination, but also because of the implications it could have on the rest of your life. You see, few investing endeavors can realize a more lucrative future than a properly run house flipping company. It is worth noting, however, that success is fa …

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Investing In Vacation Rentals: Determining Your Potential Cash Flow

Not unlike your standard buy and hold properties, investing in vacation rentals can offer savvy entrepreneurs a great opportunity to capitalize on the this post

Owning A Vacation Rental Property: Underrated Markets That Could Pay Off

Owning a vacation rental property has become synonymous with the American dream. At the very least, a cash-flowing rental property can easily turn out this post

How To Prequalify Your Deal As A Real Estate Wholesaler

Key Takeaways Becoming a real estate wholesaler is perhaps the best way for investors to get started in the housing industry. Wholesale real e this post

How To Prepare Your Passive Income Property For The Summer Rush

Summer represents the busiest time of the year for the real estate industry, and landlords are no exception. Passive income property owners are, there this post

3 Invaluable Tricks To Cut Back On Summer Rehab Expenses

While they represent the cost of doing business and are essentially the “nature of the beast,” summer rehab expenses are never a welcomed sight. O this post

Interpreting The Most Likely Summer Real Estate Market Predictions

What can investors learn from the summer real estate market predictions that are starting to swirl? Which ones are worth listening to? Which ones aren this post

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