Social Networking Tips To Own Your Next Facebook Campaign


Social networking tips can vary from the utterly useless to the inherently invaluable. However, those that can identify the best social networking tips today’s greatest marketing minds have to offer will undoubtedly have an advantage over the competition. In the right hands, a social networking campaign can work wonders for any business, and real estate is no exception. If you hope to market your next campaign over one of today’s best outlets, I recommend you continue reading, as to make sure you are filled in on the latest and greatest trends.

It’s worth noting, however, that not all social networking tips are created equal. Therefore, it’s up to you to identify the ones best suited for your particular goals. Fortunately, we have already done some of the heavy lifting for you and identified some of the best social networking tips, at least on the world’s most popular social media platform: Facebook. So if you are looking to implement a Facebook campaign sometime in the near future, may I recommend the following social networking tips.

Social Networking Tips For Real Estate Professionals

Social media real estate marketing

To be clear, it’s in your best interest to first choose the social media platform you intend to share on. If you have chosen Facebook, you are in the right place. Not until you have chosen a respective platform can I recommend making content for it. If for nothing else, in order to be able to reach a specific audience, you must know why the people you want to reach are using the social media vehicle in the first place. Fortunately, we have a very good idea of why and how people are using Facebook.

Only once you identify the user’s intent will you be able to meet their needs. And what is social media marketing if not for a way to meet and exceed the user’s needs in an attempt to gain exposure? That said, no Facebook social media strategy is complete without identifying the very reasons people are using the wildly popular social media platform in the first place.

Of course, there is no denying the power of Facebook and its ability to reach millions of people with a single click, but the majority of today’s Facebook users view it as a tool to combat boredom. It’s a sad truth, but a reality nonetheless: Facebook users find themselves (more often than not) getting lost in countless scrolls for the sole purpose of passing time. You would be wise to remember that the next time you set out to create a social media campaign on Facebook. When all is said and done, people just want something to pass the time.

Outside of killing time, the majority of Facebook users do so on a mobile device. Sure, there is still a large contingent of users that connect to the social media platform via desktop computers, but there is no denying that Facebook is overwhelmingly geared towards the nomadic lifestyle. People are more likely to use it on the go than in the confines of their own office.

And since people are more inclined to use Facebook on the go, there is less of a reason to implement significant auditory elements. Since users are more likely to be in a public place than their own home when using Facebook, there is a good chance their volume won’t be turned up — perhaps it will be completely muted. It’s worth noting that most people don’t want to share what they are looking at with complete strangers, nor do complete strangers want to hear what it is they are listening to. That said, it’s highly likely that most Facebook users are doing so without much of an auditory element.

Last, but certainly not least: most Facebook users are time-bound. Very few people, if any at all, have the time to watch a five minute video. In fact, studies suggest that the attention span of people scouring the internet is on the decline — surprise, surprise. There is simply too much content out there to dedicate a lot of time to one, individual post. It’s worth noting, however, that their attention isn’t impossible to garner, but rather slightly more difficult than it has been in the past. Again, you would be wise to remember that. Knowing full well that people don’t have the patience they once did can actually work to your benefit.

So what have we learned? People are essentially using Facebook because they are bored, mobile, “muted” and time-bound.

In uncovering the reason and method in which people actually use Facebook, it’s entirely possible to reverse-engineer a brilliant marketing campaign that is more able to reach your target audience. If for nothing else, identifying the user’s intent offers real estate investors invaluable insight — insight that can increase their exposure exponentially.

In order to optimize your own reach on the world’s most popular social media platform, give the users what they want. From what I have concluded above, those using Facebook on a regular basis are more likely to enjoy your content if it’s fun, optimized for an “on the go” lifestyle, refrains from relying on auditory cues and can be digested in a relatively short period of time. Any deviation from these fundamental parameters could result in significantly less engagement. However, those that create and curate content that meets these criteria are much more likely to gain the traction they desire.

Those intent on using Facebook as their primary marketing vehicle need to realize that people don’t have the time to listen to a long, drawn out video, nor do they really want to. Instead, create content that can be digested in as little as 10 seconds or as many as 30. A video, for example, shouldn’t last more than about 30 seconds. Any more, and you run the risk of losing their attention and moving on. So be sure to get your marketing message out as soon as possible, or else you risk losing them to the next post.

Secondly, don’t assume your audience will be able to listen to any videos or content you create. Again, most people are using Facebook on the go, and aren’t ignorant enough to assume everyone around them wants to hear what it is they are listening to. So be sure to create content that is more visual than auditory. If you are making a video, include text in the video, as to cater to the broader audience, and be sure the video makes sense without sound. While a lot of people will be able to listen to it, more will probably never get the chance to do so.

Perhaps even more importantly, however, is the content itself. it’s no longer enough to simply post an average video or blog; it needs to be entertaining — not entirely educational (that’s meant for Twitter). There is no doubt about it: the content needs to resonate on an entertainment level — that’s essentially why people turn to Facebook in the first place.

Lastly, the content in your Facebook post needs to be optimized for mobile devices. If any bit of your videos, pictures or text is cut off, you run the risk of loosing exposure. Nothing is more deflating to a social networking campaign than a Facebook post that cuts off its own content. Take it from me, more people are using Facebook than ever, so be sure your content looks right on mobile devices.

While social networking tips can be as varied as they are helpful, those I touched on above are about as universal as they come. If you are planning on running a social media campaign for your next marketing push, there is no reason you shouldn’t follow the guidelines I outlined above. At the very least, they will conform to the parameters today’s Facebook audience wants and expects.