Very little separates one good investor from another. While a solid education and access to financing can contribute to success, the manner in which they work is most often the deciding factor. Real estate investing, for all intents and purposes, is relatively easy, but far from simple. Accordingly, if you have a proven system that works, it is easy to replicate it for results. However, getting this system perfected requires a significant commitment. Time and effort will reward you accordingly. Sounds easy enough, but not many investors are willing to put in the hard work.
The most successful people in business set goals every day, specifically with the intent of meeting them. This gives them more structure to accomplish everything in the course of an 8 to 12 hour work day. Subsequently, you don’t need to work for 10 hours every day, six days a week, to be successful. Focus your attention on improving your business every day and your accomplishments will add up.
A distinct lack of progress can be particularly frustrating when you are not closing deals. It is at this time, more than ever, that you need to dig in and get to work. Set small goals that can be easily accomplished and go from there. This could be as easy as calling ten realtors on an introductory call. From there, you can set the bar from ten calls to one lunch meeting. After a while, your small successes motivate you to do more and soon enough your thoughts become action. Even if you are only investing part time, there are plenty of tasks you can knock off in just two hours a day that will greatly enhance your business.
Some of the best ideas are thought of by people who will never do anything about them. Instead of filling yourself with regret, allocate just a small block out of your day to taking action. Mailing letters, sending emails, making phone calls, meeting fellow investors and developing systems to improve your productivity are certainly not glamorous parts of the business, but they are critical to your success. The more up to speed you are on your behind the scenes work, the more ready you will be when deals do come along.
Between surfing the internet, reading a magazine or playing on your phone, you can almost certainly find the time to work. Again, you will find that it doesn’t take much, but it does take consistency. If you do just a little, but do it often, you will be pleased with the results. Binge working does not really work. You need to contribute to your business a little bit all of the time.
Most investors do not last one year in the business. They get frustrated that success is not happening fast enough and eventually give up on the business. You can avoid this by working on your business every day. If you do, you will start to see the success and your business will soon take off.