Making a living as an investor is difficult. In spite of how easy it may appear on TV, developing and growing a successful real estate business can be a challenge. Like most any other challenge, if you break down the goal into smaller more attainable ones, it won’t seem as daunting. Almost every new investor wants to jump right in and close five deals in their first month. This is a great goal, but it may not be very realistic. In order to get to that point, you should focus on a accomplishing a series of smaller goals and work your way up. You will find that once you start knocking off smaller tasks, the big ones will start to seem realistic.
It is amazing what a little confidence and a feeling of accomplishment can do. That is part of the idea with setting small goals and working towards bigger ones. One of the reasons that new investors get disinterested with the investing business quickly is because they do not see any accomplishment. They may have expected to close five deals in the first month, but are only working on one or two. Instead of looking at closing deals, if you focus on marketing strategy, networking and business development, you will inevitably get to that point.
Having a set of goals is a great start, but they will never get done without a strategy in place. The action plan could be as easy as calling ten new realtors a day or making offers on five new houses a week. You will find that once you start crossing tasks off your list, you will start to desire to do more. This is the motivation you need – to want to take more action. Eventually that action will lead to results and the results will lead to accomplishing your goals. Instead of jumping right in and wanting to be successful, you are actually taking steps in the right direction.
Every step of the process is important. To get a new deal it may take something as small as using the right envelope for a mailing or knowing the right questions to ask a seller. If you try to jump three steps ahead, you will miss something along the way. By tracking your goals and the process you take to achieve them, you set the foundation for a successful business. Without taking the time to know what you want and how you will get it, you will just be working without any real goal. You will keep busy, but be left wondering why you are not more successful. The more defined you can be with everything you want to get done today, you will ultimately get more done and want to do more tomorrow.
Entering a new business can be very overwhelming, but it will be much easier if you have a plan and goals that you want to achieve. This should be your blueprint on every deal and a reminder when things don’t go your way. If you tackle your list of five small tasks that you want to get done every day, you will see results and accomplish exactly what you want out of the business.